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When to bypass HR when submitting a resume

Submitting a resume bypassing the HR department can be beneficial when it comes to a large company

“Why do I think that Eicharov should be jumped by submitting a resume to the first person? Everything is simple. Let's see how the HR department of a large company works, ”explains Alena Vladimirskaya.

The recruiting service hierarchy is as follows:

    There is a head of the department. He “accepts” the search tasks from business unit managers and then builds up the department: manages the budget, sets priorities, develops a strategy for attracting people, holds tenders for agencies and more.
    Leading recruiters obey him, who close the most difficult vacancies by segments - conduct interviews, evaluate candidates, and so on.
    There are still resectors and assistant assistants who report to leading recruiters.

Who are the receivers and what is their role in the company

Basically, according to Alena Vladimirskaya, these are girls who have either just graduated from a university or are still studying. In general, they still have a poor idea of ​​how the industry works. And they don’t have any expertise in evaluating people - they fill their hands, shoveling the resume database for many hours a day and first interviewing candidates.

That's when you send a resume to the general box of the personnel service of the company, it gets to them.

“I repeat - most of the time girls have no expertise. And she has nowhere to take, because they are just learning. Further, such a girl, reading your resume, works as a search engine of the generation of the 90s. That is, she is looking for a match between the keywords of the vacancy and your resume, ”explains Alena Vladimirskaya, the selection features.

Examples of matching can be many:

    You worked in those companies that are interesting to this company.
    You have an education that is valued at this company.
    You have a match between the position and the industry with the vacancy that is open.

If so, then you are called for an interview. But if the parameters do not formally match, your resume flies to the basket.
The two main problems of the candidates, which are initially selected by the receiver, not the leader
1. Incorrectly described work experience

If you have relevant experience, but it is not packaged in the way the company needs, or the receiver simply does not think that the experience is relevant, then you have no chance to get into the company this way.

And the head of these patterns is free. He looks at the summary at the essence, and not at the regional restrictions, realizing that in your work experience it is very important for him, and that it is a formal husk.
2. Informal filters from which only the head is free

In addition to formal filters, which are always written in vacancies (work experience, education, languages, etc.), there are also informal ones that are illegal to publish, but, of course, companies take them into account:

    For example, age. Both very young and over 47 years old, for example.
    For example, companies from which they do not take employees (for example, a friendly company).
    Or gender - for some vacancies, in principle, they do not take women, but for some men.

If your resume falls under any of these filters, its receiver will be thrown into the basket. But the head can neglect these filters, seeing in the resume important to him.

The receiver, on the other hand, will almost never take risks: it simply because of little experience does not see what is important, and because of its lower position, it is afraid to take risks and go beyond the limits of what is allowed.

“And the funny thing is, as soon as the receiver gets his hand with the resume and begins to see the essence, he moves to a higher position (there is more money and more interesting to work with), and a new girl is taken in his place again without experience,” commented Alena Vladimirskaya about the career the growth of recruiters.

That is why it is useful for all applicants to write in the resume what the employer wants to read. What exactly - you can almost always find out in the text of the vacancy. And it’s good if everything described turns out to be true at the interview.


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