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How to get an interview in 1 + 1 media

What is his “own man” for 1 + 1 media

Each company has its own ideas about the ideal candidate. There are such in the media holding:

“Our ideal candidate for professional vacancies, first of all, should have abilities and talent in his professional sphere. In addition, he must be able to use his talent, being hardworking, responsible, and also have the courage to constantly develop and grow, question the generally accepted, imagine and realize the impossible, and have the courage to admit mistakes. The age and gender of the candidate does not matter to us, ”says Anna Tkachenko.

The personal expectations of trainees in 1 + 1 media have the same expectations, but at the same time, there are no strict requirements for work experience.
Stages of interviews in 1 + 1 media

In 1 + 1 media, all candidates, without exception, are interviewed with the head and HR manager.

“The form of the interview depends on the specifics of the vacancy for which we are considering candidates. On average, a candidate goes through two to three stages of interviews. On “office” vacancies, as a rule, you can get by with a standard conversation with the head and HR manager, but on “creative” ones there can be additional selection stages, such as a video resume, a test or creative assignment, and an assessment center, ” says HR Director 1 + 1 media.

The most interesting selection for the internship program, where all candidates go through 3-4 stages of selection. It is clear that in the case of students, the standard written resume says little about it, since it does not have a list of roles in high-profile projects and companies. That is why we have a special selection process.

The first stage is a video summary - a short video about a person, his character, skills, motivation. It is this video that allows you to stand out in a huge number of internship applications, because we have no restrictions on its content.

The second is a group game, where a group of students under the guidance of a coach performs various tasks that allow to determine the personal and behavioral characteristics of the participants. At this stage, we look at how many people correspond to our values ​​and corporate culture, and are ready to teach the rest.

The last stage is an interview with the leader. The requirements and expectations from the interns differ for different managers, therefore, the final stage of the selection is a personal conversation with a future mentor.
About stressful interviews

Non-standard interviews justify themselves when it comes to creative professions, where the requirement from the candidate to “be stress-resistant” is not ordinary, but really important. This is confirmed by the experience of 1 + 1 media:

“Usually we do not practice stress interviews, since such interviews are not always able to reveal exactly the qualities that we are looking for in candidates. But sometimes there are exceptions, and just such an exception was the participation of candidates for the vacancy "PR specialist in promoting stars" in the internship program. That is why, going to an interview with us, you need to be prepared for anything and ready for new challenges, ”concludes Anna Tkachenko.


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